Member institutions
The 18 Norteas member institutions are in 22 locations across the Nordic/Baltic region.
The Danish National School of Performing Arts
The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy
Tallinn University, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School
Tampere University, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (ITC)
Tampereen yliopisto
Professor: Pauliina Hulkko (
IRC: Anna Castrén (
University of the Arts Helsinki, Theatre Academy (chairing institution)
Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu
Vice dean: Ville Sandqvist (
IRC: Jyri Äärilä ( /
Norteas Coordinator: Lotta Karlsson (
Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Department of Film, Television and Scenography
Dean: Tuomas Auvinen (
Lecturer / contact person: Teemu Määttänen (
The National Acting School of Greenland
Nunatta Isiginnaartitsinermik Ilinniarfia
A department under The National Theatre of Greenland (Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia)
Program Director for Acting / Contact person: AneMarie Ottosen (
Artistic Director for The National Theatre of Greenland: Vivi Sørensen (
Iceland University of the Arts, Department of Performing Arts
Listaháskóli Íslands
Dean of the Department of Performing Arts: Una Þorleifsdóttir (
Head of International Relations: Björg Stefánsdóttir (
Latvian Academy of Culture
Latvijas Kulturas akademija
Head of the Department of Mobility Programs: llze Beimane (
Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
Lietuvos Muzikos Ir Teatro Akademija
Dean of Faculty of Theatre and Film: Elona Bajoriniene (
IRC: Giedrė Kabašinskienė (
Norwegian Theatre Academy, Østfold University College
Hogskolen i Østfold
Artistic director - acting: Karmenlara Ely (
Artistic Research Coordinator / Contact person: Sage Canellis (
Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
Dean Theatre: Victoria Meirik (
Dean Dance: Snelle Hall (
IRC: Kjerstin Eek Jensen (
Nord University
Fakultet for lærerutdanning og kunst og kulturfag
Leader of the Acting Programme: Jason Ezra Turner (
Kontorsjef // Studieadministrasjonen Gisle Pettersen (
Stockholm University of the Arts
Stockholms konstnärliga högskola – SKH
Lecturer at the Department for Performing Arts: Anders Larsson (
IRC: Jorun Kugelberg (
Luleå University of Technology
Teaterhögskolan i Luleå
Researcher and contact person: Ulf Friberg (
Coordinator: Carina Karlsson (
Malmö Theatre Academy
Teaterhögskolan i Malmö
Head of Department: Fredrik Haller (
Director of Studies / Contact person: Ola Johansson (
The Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg
Högskolan för scen och musik vid Göteborgs universitet
Head of Performing Arts programme: Catharina Bergil (
IRC: Jenny Hedlund (
Each member school is represented in Norteas by an academic leader and an international coordinator. Norteas chooses a chair and a network coordinator every third year at the annual network meeting. Additionally, three coordinators are selected for a working group that supports the network coordinator in administration, such as applying for funding, distributing grants, planning joint activities, etc. The annual meeting takes place in November each year and consists of a seminar, a joint network meeting, a coordinators' meeting, and a meeting for academic leaders. This is where the network makes its decisions on projects and priorities. The meeting is an important platform for discussing future projects and an opportunity for staff development.
For the years 2022-2024, the Norteas network is hosted at the University of Arts Helsinki, Theatre Academy:
Norteas Coordinator: Lotta Karlsson (
Working group of coordinators (F4)
Tine Damborg, The Danish National School of Performing Arts
Giedrė Kabašinskienė, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre Lotta Karlsson, University of Arts Helsinki, Theatre Academy
Krista Tamm, University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy