Photo by Kalev Lilleorg on EAMT Theatre Department’s Facebook page.
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia
Tallinn, Estonia
The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT) is a public university offering higher education in all major fields of music and theatre through bachelor, master and doctoral programmes.
The Academy is a prestigious and attractive educational, scientific and cultural institution with a high level of professionalism, dedicated to preserving national cultural traditions and actively developing international cooperation, while being open to creative ideas, diverse scientific research and innovative interdisciplinary projects.
EAMT’s mission is to sustain, develop and promote Estonian culture at the highest level, through music and theatre studies as well as creative activities and research.
The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre accepts exchange students in all degree programmes from institutions with whom EAMT has signed an Erasmus+ agreement or who are members of Nordplus thematic networks.
Students interested in exchange studies at the EAMT should first contact the international relations office at their home institution. The prospective students must be nominated and selected by their sending institution.
More information for international students:
Chief Coordinator of the Department of Theatre: Mart Koldits (
Study Programme Registrar of Contemporary Physical Performance Making MA: Liina Jääts (